AssetWise Director Help

To Submit a Work Order for Approval

Users who do not have the permission to approve a work order can submit a work order to a person who does have the permission to approve.

Once the user has completed the steps defined above, the work order can be submitted for approval. Tasks will not be disseminated until the work order has been approved. Usually the number of persons having the authority to approve work orders of a certain type is limited. The security definition inherited from a work order template normally dictates the approval definition.

If the user has approval rights and is authorized to approve the work order, the submission process may be bypassed. A work order can be approved without being submitted.

  1. Display the appropriate work order in the Content pane.
  2. Complete the required entries on the work order and work order tasks.
  3. Click the Action Bar Submit icon.

    The work order will be placed in the Work Exchange Approvals folder of the person responsible for approving the work order. Once approved, all task assignments will be delivered to the responsible person(s) or skill(s) set depending on the data entered into the task.